Comrade Lenin explaining socialism in "To the Rural Poor"

Sigh, I wasn't going to humor you with a response, but I feel like I should as this is a very common comment to see on Reddit. One where you completely misinterpret everything I said, and then used the two things I said to avoid to prove your point.

First off, I never said the op knew nothing about this topic. He is probably much more well versed in the ideas of socialism than I am. That was never the intention of my comment. My section on understanding what you don't know was a comment on the tactics and rhetoric used in debate and discussion. Labeling and assuming that you know what the other person thinks is counterproductive to a coherent conversation. That's what I was trying to get at.


Similarly, you’re a liberal. I have no idea whether you prefer coffee or tea, but I have a pretty good idea about what mode of production you would advocate for if it came down to it.

This made me actually laugh and cough up my coffee/tea mixture. So well done for that. You know absolutely nothing of my views on the world so why would you categorize me and make assumptions? I remember attending a meeting my sophomore year of college for the Communist Party of the USA. Simply because I was interested in what they had to say. And I liked what they had to say. I stayed for an hour afterwords talking to the speaker and he gave me 4 books to read on socialism, two of which were written by Lenin. So "you're a liberal" and "I now know how you view the world" is hilarious to me. I say this with the utmost respect: sit down, young child, the adults are talking.

You remind me of a guy I had a discussion on abortion with in high school. And in the beginning he asked me what religion I subscribed to, and I said "well I was raised catholic but..." and he immediately said "ok so you're anti abortion. Here's the problem with that" and I cut him off and said "excuse me I am extremely pro abortion, you heard one label and assumed you knew everything I thought". Don't be like him, please. No one learns and no one grows when you negate people with these silly labels.

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