Conan O'Brien's audience gets super tense when Bill Burr suggests some women lie and we should respect due process

Totally agree with him. My mother was an alcoholic who beat down her 3 kids almost to the hospital bed. My dead left when I was in the age where I can even remember him. When I was like 15 my mother found a new husband. And my stepdad what the best guy in the world. But my mom keep saying that he is a moron. So he left her in few years.

Thats why i learned to hate all people equally. And don't believe anyone until they prove me they decent. So this shit about listen to everyone is total BS. And equal rights to every every race, every age, every gender is total crap. Because there are a lot of morons out there. But not because of there race or gender or age, but because they just morons. So I say that we should listen only those who proved that they are good parents, good workers, good people... And it should be not "equal rights to woman, transgender, black people, etc". It should be "equal rights for good, decent person. And all others can go fu*k themselves".

But now we in hell because if you minority you can say and do whatever you want (just prove that you minority in the end). While there are a lot of idiots among minority. But we cant even say that cause it would look like sexism, racism, etc. And it became so stupid that no one knows what to do with this situation. For example this story that Joe rogan told about fight between balcj people and gay people on some small town. Where police arrived and did nothing cause they didn't know whom to help. Because both sides was minorities. and they were afraid to help one of them so media would blame them for sexism or racism.

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