Concerning the launch: Ark Survival Steam stats

Well they have their vision for their game after all it is their game nobody can argue that but I can say that what they have done have made it less fun more grindy, I never used any tricks to breed or to gather metal I did it all old school because we'll I liked to stand back and look at what I did and say now that's the shit!!! I did it all solo sure I could've used water float shit or meat glitch or whatever it was but I wasn't about that I just breed till my eyes were bleeding and hair fell out lol I only held out because the fucking devs said everything will be all right we'll take care of you thankyou for all your hard work ROTFLMAO this is why the salt is here this is what the SUCKBUTTS don't seem to get is it the players or the silent majority like me who have finally had enough some think it's a bunch of regulars on here lol I'm here to tell you it's not I'm betting there's a huge silent majority that feels screwed. I want this game to win I want it to be successful I've rooted for it since the first day I landed and ran up to that spino I saw and got ate, I don't want to play single player it's boring I hate official now Legacy is going to die they are trying to kill it and now I see why they need new servers they should have just wiped and delt with the bad PR it's better than this but WC is clearly scummy and on top of that they are fucking COWARDS no other way to put it the way they hide when things go wrong the way people get banned on offical forums for just simple truths is disgusting, any other company would be shamed and we know this, other company have been pickitted and protested

/r/playark Thread