Concerning Stephen Hawking’s Claim that Philosophy is Dead (2012)

What I'm saying is that physicists are only interested in mathematical formalism. Any speculation is pseudoscience. It's the formalism that has supplanted ordinary philosophical discourse. Physics doesn't rely upon logic, from what I understand of the subject of quantum theory, much of it is completely illogical, like the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. It defies logic and this formalism is now the standard by which we are permitted to speculate.

Case in point, I can't even discuss the subject of philosophy without making reference to quantum theory to establish what should be a completely separate point. And more importantly, because I'm not a physicist I don't understand the mathematics of the theory and must make reference to conceptual examples that are more reachable. Even in this simple discussion, mathematics is the dividing line. To put it simply, it is no longer possible for non physicists to entertain meaningful speculation about the abstract nature of reality.

Physics and especially quantum theory has subsumed philosophy and formalism is now the standard of inquiry. Sure, you can speculate about quantum theory if you please but no one - especially physicists -take it seriously.

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