Concrit Commune - April 09

Harry Potter | Cleaved | T | No warnings | Ao3, FFN

Context: Set during chapter 9 at the end of second year during third-year elective selection. Holly (fem!Harry) and Ron have a serious talk about the events in the Chamber of Secrets and Ron's future if he doesn't apply himself.


"Seriously, Ron?" asked Holly, giving him a look. Hadn't they discussed this? "Don't you want to challenge yourself?"

Ron's face darkened. "I think I've challenged myself enough this year."

Holly closed her eyes momentarily at the implication. Hermione looked between the two in confusion before understanding dawned on her face.

"Hermione, give us a minute," said Holly with a sigh as she stood. "Ron, can we talk in private?"

The redhead grunted as he stood and followed her out the portrait hole.

"What is it?" he asked petulantly once they were in the corridor, crossing his arms.

"This is exactly what we were talking about in the Chamber," she said with a frown. How had Ron forgotten such a talk so easily?

He looked at her, confused. "What are you going on about?"

"You not applying yourself! Hermione's right, these subjects are important for our future and you just want to pick what's easy!"

"So? It's not anyone else is taking it seriously." He kicked at the stone floor. "Did you see Dean? He jabbed his wand at the list and chose his classes like that."

Holly did see, and mentally wished him the best of luck in Arithmancy, Care and Divination.

"He should. All of us should. Look, Ron," she said, trying to be sympathetic, "I know you're insecure about your brothers, but you need to at least try. None of them got to where they're at by lazing about like you are, they worked hard."

Her words seemed to be getting through to him, even if he was looking away from her at the moment.

"Remember chess and non-verbal magic? It isn't a fluke that you're good at them. You worked hard and practised. It's the same thing here. Even Hermione has to study. If you keep expecting things to come easy, it's not going to happen. If you want to take the easiest classes, fine by me, but don't complain later."

Ron gave her a long, considering look before saying, "I'm not taking five electives."

Finally, a breakthrough! "And I'm not asking you to. But you should at least pick a serious subject and a fun one. Or two fun ones and a serious one. You can ask Percy."

"He'll say I should play to my strengths, but I don't think I have any," said Ron, leaning against the wall.

Holly didn't think she had any either, but that would defeat the purpose of the talk. "So let's read the list over again and ask some more sixth and seventh years about what they took and how difficult the choices are."

Ron muttered his agreement, and they rejoined Hermione.

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