Confession... I am 71, have smoked marijuana ever since Vietnam in 1969, same year my daughter was born! My confession is, when she was 16 I discovered a stash of marijuana under her bed, I took it and I smoked it! Years later she told me about how the cat ate her weed!

Sasquatch farms comes to mind for that price range, if you can find them they are inexpensive and glue-to-the-wall sticky with decent flavor and a good burn. I think "The Happy Cannabis Collection" is a great option for consistency, all their product is organic (like sasquatch) and they burn so well, great flush, great highs and crazy strains. I know everyone loves Sub-x but they're not the most consistent and they are overpriced for that reason. If I'm buying a 350 dollar ounce I DEMAND it be the best ounce money can buy.

Honestly buying ounces is a complete crapshoot until you find a consistent grower, and just because my store has a good batch from a certain grower the next store could get all the shitty B buds from the same grower. Also finding a good budtender/business that cares about what they are doing. A lot of shops out there are completely ass because they focus on sales like a car dealership, whereas my shop in Bellingham is experience-driven so we spend more time weeding out undesirable products.

Man I need to go to bed... there's a lot I could keep rambling on about but my best tip would be to find the local/small growers. Big corporations make shitty weed and a LOT of it. Try those small-batch mom-and-pop operations and most likely you'll be impressed

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