The Confirmation-Bias/Echo-Chamber Problem. After spending a bit of time on this sub, and reading an avalanche of incredible DD, I am fully convinced that the M.O.A.S.S. will launch any day. $10,000,000/share is honestly what I expect at this point. That is not entirely a good thing.

I have a theory on how this will play out and while I want the squeeze, I believe everything is made recently to satisfy everyone except the one expecting the MOASS (though should have massive returns)

Please hear me out and prove me wrong:

I think GME will continue growing extremely slowly like TESLA up to 1k and stabilise around there.

To be fair, it is all based on best outcome theory.

So here are the player:

HF, MM, Retail Investor, RC and his team, Gvt, Whale, GME

There are few ways to have the squeeze happening but most likely margin call/force cover (most of them due to high volatility and sharp increase in value) or share recall en masse (though that's on the investor and not GME. It worked for VW cause Porsche had a crushing majority there).

The thing is, while the price is growing, it has been showing less and less volatility and the fact that share price is so high right now is less enticing for FOMO (remember the majority jumped in January cause $40... It is now 5 times higher).

Now, why is it based outcome for all?

HF and MM will bleed HARD but they can foot the bill without bankruptcy and live to make money on another stock.

RC and team: great story and transformation. I mean on top of their share more making them sooooo much money, they become all legend!!

Govt: no crash of the economy... Nothing more nothing less

Whales: massive profit, showing dominance, and weakening competition.

GME: Valuation through the roof, incredibly loyal fan base

Retail investors: massive returns. Even if you buy now you looking at a secure X5. For those like me who bought before 100 is a 10 baggers, and for OG like DFV , I can't even do the maths.

Also, MSM are now bit by bit saying it will be $1000, so all crisis averted and nothing but a beautiful American dream of a company that adapted and is an example for years to come.

All the rules for DTCC are there for the future but also to tell HF and MM of they don't follow the script, it is their ass on the line, rather convincing.

/r/GME Thread