those 300 gyms wasnt acquired in one day, after the 2x weekend instinct widen their gap to 600+ so we talked about it, and came up with a plan, we stop sending our gyms but we didnt stop acquiring it, for the past 2 weeks we were working really hard to cover the gap, and we did, thing is instinct had no idea about it while they are relaxing because of that 600 gap. we know they will do that, and also we ask for a favor to update the score more often, but not for the mystic to see it, but for instinct to stay confident, and let them think that we concede. on the last 2 days we sent all we have but still didnt stop acquiring more gyms,

we tried to compete with instinct face to face but we just cant close the gap. we think they have more active players than us. they lost because of too much confidence. (admit it) this was our plan and because of dedication and discipline we perfectly executed this plan.

not one guy one day thing. this was serious team effort.

i guess there's no point to keep this as a secret.

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