Congressional Democrats are reportedly pivoting to offer Obamacare improvements. Is it a smart strategy for the Democratic Party to try and make a deal with the Republicans?

Similar to Mao and Chang Kai-shek both opposing the Japs or the US and Soviets against the Germans.

What a horrible analogy and false equivalency to think that one of two major domestic political parties of a country is equal to an actual foreign invader. Lay off the Breitbart.

he represented not only social progressivism that angered the religious crowd, he was also a major spender (angering the low government spending group), major backer of federal government intervention (angering the state's rights supporters), and backed global treaties (angering Trump's demographic).

Only he wasn't terribly social progressive being against gay marriage when he ran in 2008 and coming out in support of gay marriage in 2012 when most of the country was already supporting it. And the falsehood that he was a major spender is merely a far-right talking point: Obama had significantly lower rates in the increase of government spending than either George W. Bush and Ronald Reagan.

federal government intervention ... backed global treaties

More generic talking points. These 2 issues are almost universally linked to John Birchers and white nationalists by the educated. Most of the stuff Obama did was also done by former Republican presidents in the past only the right-wing media did not excoriate them as much.

You're entitled to your own opinion but not your own facts.

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