Congressman Snags Pope’s Water Glass, Drinks From It, Shares With Staff

That's all I needed to hear. Someone who promotes anti-family policies telling me to learn about being Catholic.

I also take great offense to you abusing the name of Jesus Christ to push your crap.

Jesus said, "Go, and sin no more."

He did not say "Pointing out sin is wrong if it hurts /u/TibitXimer's fee-fees."

Your understanding of Catholicism bears a very close resemblance to what you might find on a extremely liberal college campus (you know, the kind of parish where they've rearranged the altar to be more inclusive and where masses are always 9/10 empty). The Ten Commandments have been replaced by the Ten Precious Feelings.

Have you ever noticed that usually when you post another anti-marriage spiel on /r/Catholicism, it gets downvoted? Did you ever wonder why? It's because, by and large, the users of this sub are extremely well-educated on the faith. Their number includes several priests. Seems a little pretentious of you to presume to be a better Catholic then they are, but that would not be a surprising revelation.

The Western world is currently melting away, and the anti-family agenda pushed by yourself and people before you is a big reason why. It's awful to see someone using the Catholic faith, or misunderstanding thereof to justify this belief. Hiding passivity for sin under "mercy, compassion, and kindness"? I've never heard such nonsense in my life. Again, Jesus had mercy, compassion and kindness for the adulteress as portrayed in the Book of John, but afterward he told her to go, and to sin no more. I'm not condemning any person, I am condemning the evil idea you are addicted to.

Hopefully you will someday see the harm to society in which you fervently believe. After all, no person is beyond redemption.

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