Connection between executive dysfunction and thinking pattern

So do you think overthinking or negative thinking causes or worsens executive dysfunction? Do you think negative feedback makes you instantly lose motivation? Or do you think the above examples are only related to depression and not ADHD/autism?

I think once you get over age 40 or age 50, trying to "think your way" out of things like Executive Dysfunction itself becomes a problem. Layers and layers of self-correction techniques become a web of mental processes that become tedious and tiring. Is it the medication impacting you? Is it the abuse you experienced from USA society (including the Internet) the past few days? Is it holiday social anxiety? Is it past memories of conflicts and negative experiences? Is it an allergy that doesn't present itself with runny nose and sore throat but mental confusion? Should you start a regiment of anti-histamines?

The autism doesn't ever go away, and society keeps changing. The Internet for example in the 1990's could barely manage images, let alone full motion video. Reddit itself didn't have images or video to start with, now /r/All is full sensory overload. Did you change, or did society change?

/r/AutisticWithADHD Thread