I consent

Eradicate humanity as a species. No, that’s stupid.

Nice critical thinking but parent/child relationships are already set up the most optimally for the species’ survival. The parent’s job is to give birth to the child and groom that child into a person who can be a part of society so that child can also have children which leads to humanity surviving. There is no “do you want to live” because there’s only one option: yes.

No, children should not get everything they want from their parents because that doesn’t teach them how to work for something so they expect everything for free which doesn’t translate very well into being able to be a part of society.

The alternatives are to either only have children once you have the ability to give them anything they want (i.e. you’re Bill Gates) or ask them if they want to live once they have the ability to make that decision. The first option is unrealistic and not viable because you’re not Bill Gates. The second option is asking five-year-olds if they want to commit suicide.

Responsible adults already consider their options and if they have the resources to support children, they have children. If they don’t, then they don’t.

Irresponsible adults don’t give a flying fuck about your silly little internet arguments. So yeah, have fun with the extremely interesting philosophical debate.

/r/comedyheaven Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it