The consequences of being an alpha widow

I can agree with some of that, and I wouldn’t consider myself an authority on the topic so maybe my definition of an alpha widow is inaccurate.

You mentioned the word evil, so I wonder - have you looked into narcissism? Narcissistic relationships are incredibly tough to heal from. They mess with your mind, especially as they force the victims into constant fight or flight mode. It takes a long time to work through, and the longer you’re in one the harder it is to undue the damage. The RP dating strategy and narcissistic cycle seem pretty similar to me, though the intents of each are different (RP - sex, narcissist - narcissistic supply).

The word has been watered down quite a bit, but a true narcissistic relationship is brutal. It might be worth looking into if you haven’t already. If that’s what it is, just remember to be gentle with yourself.

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