Why do conservative Americans put so much faith in the constitution?

When your Supreme Court declared homosexual marriage constitutional, don't you think the most logical conclusion is there must be something wrong with this picture. Your Constitution is not serving the interests of conservatism, these constitutional "rights" are only an umbrella the left hides behind to gain the legal "right" to destroy your country.

I would go so far as to say it is not only an existential threat to the cause of conservatism and morality in your country, but it is also a national security threat as well, because your country will not always be able to devote the necessary expenditures to maintaining military spending once America's fiscal headwinds start becoming a problem in about 10 years.

The left used, and continues to use, these constitutional "rights" to attack capitalism and promote fiscally irresponsible policies, and the latter should be viewed as ultimately a long term threat to the national security of any nation.

It baffles me why conservatives in America don't HATE the constitution. It is not serving your interests, the only side who seems to be gaining from this constitution are the leftists.

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