Conservative ex Muslims?

I'm conservative when it comes to sex/ relationships if that counts. I'm in 20s and never had sex and I'll never pursue a relational unless I know that it can last. I'm comfortable with that, even it means staying virgin or lonely for the rest of my life because I know that I'll be disgusted of myself if I give into norms or peer pressure. Before any one of you feels outraged, I just want to declare that these terms only apply to me and I'll not even judge remotely if you have a different way of living your life, and that's the point.

I think I also conform to the standards and expectations of the (Muslim) society I live in. I've always been extremely rebellious, but I realized even my dad would dump me if I continued, and that would be a complete disaster for rest of my life.

Having said that, I don't sacrifice when it comes to all other things. My brothers will have my support as long as I'm alive. I had to put in a lot of effort and go through dangerous waters (we're speaking guns) to help them get rid of everything from physical punishment to the forced Quran lessons in a language they don't even speak. I'm not going to put up with anyone who wants to waste away a child's childhood. I'd roast any family member even today of they speak to them like a cunt. If someone can not be gentle around the society's weakest members, then I have zero respect for them.

/r/exmuslim Thread