Conservatives are mad that chatGPT 4 wrote a positive Poem about Joe Biden.

It appears that you may have misinterpreted the essence of the original post. Not only did you not show the full context, but you also seem to have overlooked the main concern expressed about Chat GPT, that was the whole point of this tweet by JP.

It appears that you may have misinterpreted the essence of the original post. Not only did you not show the full context, but you also seem to have overlooked the main concern expressed about Chat GPT, which was the whole point of this tweet by JP. examples of this bias among other factors is what led to a significant backlash against OpenAI, prompting them to release a statement expressing their intention to make future iterations of the Chat GPT more customizable to the individual and as neutral as possible.

Given Jordan Peterson's well-known stance against compelled speech, it's not surprising that he has great concern about the potential biases in Chat GPT, as an AI with nearly human-like persuasiveness being utilized by individuals with diverse opinions and political affiliations could pose a threat to free expression and a free thinking, unbiased society, It's not difficult to envision how a biased AI could exert a negative influence in such circumstances.

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