Conservatives denounce $10-million payment to Omar Khadr

We don't know if he did something bad. He said so, but under torture. Proof is classified, and again, if they had proof, classified or not, why torture him to get a confession? Just try him with the proof you have.

Compensation was for the fact we didn't hold our end of the deal, we had the opportunity to bring him back, which is our duty as a country, knowing what was happening to him, and we didn't. We didn't because Vic Toews' office lied and made up charges against him, which were promptly debunked, but that didn't change anything. As for the US, of course they more responsible than we are, but our highest court ruled that we had part of the blame to take.

As for the 10M$ figure, it was established by precedent and is much, muuuuch lower than what would be spent losing this battle in court. So we're saving money. A fuckton at that too. I'm not against spending money to establish precedent, it has its value, but in this case, we would have lost, and we would have lost trying to prove our constitution allowed us to breach international conventions. Literally, the worst possible idea ever.

You know what should have been done? Bring him here ASAP, try him, then make him go through the legal system, like anyone else. Any other answer is wrong.

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