Conservatives discuss Biden's speech

Things were pretty good before you made your moral decision to vote for someone who quite literally has dementia….Biden has done a piss poor job of literally…and I mean literally everything. Take a look at that afghan withdrawal, I’m sure you heard about that blunder. Cancelled the keystone pipeline….doesn’t take a dog to realize that one might hurt a bit. Rejoined the Paris agreement…again, it doesn’t take a genius to figure out that one also probably hurt too.

Maybe you’re just dense…but the policies he put forward is what’s causing this mess…so yes he most definitely is responsible AND has the ability to do something about it. I’m tired of hearing you shift the blame. It’s either Putins fault or trumps fault.

Take some accountability for yourself and the demented maniac running this country…or whomever is running it…I wouldnt take credit for this mess either.

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