Conservatives of Reddit, what is something you'd like to fully explain to a liberal?

wow I came in here late and am not a conservative but....

Change the yearly cost of living adjustments (COLAs) to chained CPI. This is the idea that although prices of goods may increase at X% each year, people will switch to a cheaper product when pushed, this protecting themselves against inflation. The problem here is that the poorest of the poor have already done that.

this is strictly true, here's an econ representation of what it looks like. The blue lines are called "indiffernce curves" and the farther out they are the happier the person is, the black lines are called "budget lines" whose slope is based on the prices of goods you are optimizing your budget when it is tangent to an indifference curve. An adjustment w/ the CPI would push out the budget line, but since prices change over time the slope of the budget line does too, since the slope is different from the tangent of the indifference curve you are at you can now further optimize your budget. I don't really know what "the poor have already done that" means

Raise the retirement age - They're proposals usually say 2 years. This is like a 20% benefit cut right here. 69 is too high to have regular retirement, and it virtually gets rid of any delayed retirement advantage currently in the system. Basically, it fucks over millennials (AGAIN) because the baby boomers didn't want to deal with the problem.

Since people are living longer and healthier, they should probably retire later too. We got fucked w/ social security but it's not really fair to say it's the baby boomer's fault even if they are the prime beneficiaries of it.

Privatize a certain portion of Social Security - We currently take 6.2% of income up to something like $120k. This is what pays for it. THey want to reduce the amount of incoming tax and force people to instead buy into the market (via stocks or bonds) to build a nest egg.

If I were policy czar I would completely privitize it, why should other people pay for your or my retirement. No reason not to keep welfare and retirement separate.

Now, while I disagree with all these proposals for certain poverty-based reasons, they're all based on the premise that social security is going broke. The worst case scenario is that social security pays out 77% of benefits promised.

not paying out in full is going broke and 85% of economists say that current social security polices are unsustainable (I doubt more than 5% said it is).

but without even agreeing on what the facts are, how can we compromise?

why do you think you have the right facts?

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