considering the current furor over Critical Race Theory, Should politicians be able to dictate what is taught and what isnt?

Because it's a Big Question. Bigger than CRT, which I can pretty much guarantee no one here ever heard of a year ago.

Should politicians be able to dictate what is taught and what isn't? Here are some examples I'm pulling out of thin air:

  • Should they be able to prevent evolution from being taught in areas made uncomfortable by that?

  • Should they be able to prevent the teaching of Holocaust denialism?

  • Should they be able to prevent the teaching of the history of police brutality in the US?

  • Should they be able to prevent the teaching of Communism?

I can maybe see valid discussions on both sides of each of these. I can maybe also see the government getting involved in any of these as being Big Government/invasive government in a way that Republicans have traditionally (officially) opposed.

What's your take?

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