Considering how difficult life is, why would someone want to have a child ?

That's alright.

You're assuming I value money over life here, but I don't really think that is the case. Instead of taking the time to ask me questions and get to know my story and my life, you opted in for harassing and belittling me.

There's nothing wrong with wanting to be smart with money. I'd much rather be able to support a child than to struggle taking care of it.

I mean you originally replied to my post about how much it costs to raise a child with "You think money is everything", which was a brass assumption to begin with.

You've rolled around in your own flame attempting to put me down, all of which has been unsuccessful.

So, although money is just stuff, money is also a means to acquire food and shelter for your family, less you are living in the forest (of which there is nothing wrong with).

Now I can respect your position on it - maybe you'd rather spend your days in a 9 to 5, paying your bills, having a kid, raising a family, and living out your days like that. That's okay! I don't blame you, sometimes that sounds interesting.

But my perspective, if you have the ability to understand that there are other perspectives other than your own, is that I would rather spend my time building my businesses up to the point where they can sustain a family comfortably. So instead of having to rely on a 9-5 with a boss that's a dickhead and stress about being laid off, I can gather passive income while being able to spend more time with my family on vacation.

Hold all the disdain you would like for me - you won't be the first or the last, and you certainly aren't going to bother me at all. I've lived a good portion of my life dealing with uneducated individuals who know nothing but to berate those who they are scared or jealous of.

A meal a day was worth it, actually - I grew up learning how to stretch a dollar, conserve, and save. I learned a lot of valuable lessons. Sure, I would have wished to learn those lessons another way, but I'm sitting here at 23, almost 24, having made more money as a business owner than some of those who just got done graduating from college - the best part is I am debt free.

So instead of worrying about hopping into a 9-5 in a cubical, I get to continue building my businesses and doing the things I enjoy doing.

I hope that one day you get to experience that sort of relief, it's truly a blessing.

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