Constance Wu can date a white guy and still advocate for Asian Americans

You don't need to be a member of a demographic to advocate for that demographic. Most people don't do that simply because there aren't enough hours in the day so they look out for themselves first. However, it is simply standing up for what is right, for other human beings.

Wu is an Asian American, so there is nothing inconsistent with her being an advocate for Asian American or Asian issues. She has a vested interest.

Wu is not harming Asian interests by dating who she likes. There are about 157 million women in the United States.

I think there is a grain of truth in what Asian American men complain about, but I think it is simply a problem of adapting to a new culture. Something all immigrant populations faced in coming to the United States. Their parents busted their asses in coming here to make a better life. Their parents culture was to work hard and be self effacing. That doesn't work well for American guys seeking American women. However, it is on them to adapt. Whining about Asian American women dating white guys will never fix that problem for them. I would also bet what is in my checking account that if most of those guys got girlfriends of any color, that they would instantly stop complaining about Asian American women.

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