Constantly fucking attractive women is fun, but exhausting. How can I make women find me as loathsome and repellent as they do you sexless pindicks? Is it simply a matter of rejecting personal hygiene while living in my mother's car and refusing gainful employment, or is there more to it than that?

Wait are you asking for shitty advice for how to be unattractive to women? Or are you asking for good advice on how to be unattractive to women?

The shitty advice would be to make sure you are gainfully employed, treat them and their friends and family with respect, be a good listener and save arguments for things that really matter, be good with kids but not creepy good (also includes animals), and compliment her on things that she is insecure about. Be actively engaged but not clingy, and get some clippers and trim your nether regions so it isn't a jungle in the bathing-suit-area.

Good advice for being unattractive to women -- make sure to be incredibly obsessed with something involving some kind of nerd culture or else you can pick an incredibly annoying sport that you make her watch with you that lasts forever (NASCAR or golf are good picks). Have a really unnaturally close relationship with your mother (make sure she calls every day and asks about your bowel movements). Be a huge jerk to any service people you encounter and constantly stare at other women with your hand in your pocket rubbing your dick. Make sure you give her dutch ovens (fart under the sheets and pull it over her head) and let her know how incredibly funny it is when you do that.

/r/shittyadvice Thread