Constructive Criticism In Effort to Make Black Ops 3 as Competitive as Possible. @Vondy

Take all mechanics and content from cod4 promod and put it into blackops, rebalance the new weps around it, and include the 5 maps from the promod map pool in a dlc pack. Give players permanent afterburner and blast suppressor in this new mode.

Remove ability to cook frag grenades.

Remove hitmarkers on not visible players i.e. stuns, cross map frags, wallbangs etc.

Basically turn every mechanic into a set of game settings for a new gametype called promod, include crash, strike, district, crossfire, vacant, and backlot.

Give console a FOV and fov scale settings, because proper fov settings for cod are 90 fov at 1.125 view scale.

Give console ability to run low graphics settings for more stability.

Give players ability to change all important stats inside private matches. Health, fall damage, jump height/length, sprint speed, individual weapon damage, headshot multipliers, rate of fire. Give players ability to ban attachments prior to pick ban phase that just dont belong in comp for sake of weapon balance aka high caliber and rapid fire( these can take a balanced weapon and give it a definitive edge, thus making nees to rebalance and make it suck without rapid fire. Read me loud and clear, IF IT CHANGES DPS IN ANY WAY, IT DESTROYS ANY BALANCE YOU ARE ATTEMPTING TO CREATE, balancing everything perfectly is pointless when I can just make my gun better on top of it.

Give us the options to create and we will make our own perfect comp game.

I GAURUNTEE if the devs did this comp cod would BLOW THE FUCK UP. so much money would be made for everyone, PC would see a resurgence of players un-seen before in a multi-player game. Console would reach new heights of competing people both from pc players looking for a slice of the pie and new players amazed at what a real perfect cod game looks like.

I played pc for about 5 yrs and been playing console since mw2. Just go look up VOD's of promod lans and compare it to the level of play we see at our lan events. Skill gap would shoot up ten fold. There would be teams out the asshole at every god damn lan.

But they and this sub would never listen to such an idea because "muh killstreaks make the game exciting to casual crowd man, muh gotta keep the game consistant"

No. What comp players use does in no way affect viewership. Marketing of tournys and comp/lans is what affects viewership. Exciting gameplay is derived from players with option to make and unique VIABLE strats in every way, from weapon selection to maps and movement. If a team has no option but to run 4 m8a7; you're losing viewership. It's not boring but it is one dimensional at that point, turtle up and get picks. Thats the whole game.

To that end, SND is atrocious in this game so far. There's no breakout strats (3 men throw smokes over buildings to get map control, 2 smg players flash specific points to get even further or secure an early kill. Scope player plays early picks being so good at the game they can predict and kill through said smoke/walls. 5 perfectly timed and positioned frags allow your team to control the other teams movement during breakout and thus changing those 3-4 criteria creates a thousand unique strats of allowing players options. Do we want an early take on bomb? Then defense asks the opposing questions 5 seconds into breakout, they appear to be rushing site, do we want to do a quick re-take or turtle it up and get picks.

I sound like a huge fucking fanboy but I've played comp cod on pc for 5 years and I can't put into words how perfect that game was because it was created by the comp players.

I'm going to get downvoted as fuck but i dont care. Go look up "phantasy" go on his channel, look at his lan vids. One of the greatest cod players of all time, our current comp players don't even come close.

/r/CoDCompetitive Thread