The contrast between women’s spaces and men’s spaces in explaining the decline in dating is equal parts fascinating and horrifying

Honestly, let me tell you how it is: there's sufficient evidence showing relations with women benefit men more than the other way around (in modern society where women have a wealth of choices and opportunities) and how women in financially "equal" relationships are substantially more likely to do social, emotional, child, and domestic labor.
The patriarchy wants to bully women into being in relationships because the presumption is this:

Women bring more to a relationship on average than men and it is useful to bully them into ignoring they don't while simultaneously terrifying them into being in relationships - "you'll die alone". Wow, it's almost like that lady who would call you selfish for being child-free was onto something! /s

This is why women are so in demand; society wants them to serve as overcompensation anchors for men that refuse to socially improve themselves on the behalf of themselves or other people, even loved that will undervalue and underappreciate the labor she does for favor of overvaluing her age and sexual accessibility. There's endless research showing how men are less socially motivated than women, yet they want to blame society for why men are lonely because society has told them women should fix them.

Societies parasitically rely upon the sacrifice of women in relationships because not many men are actually built to socially maintain long-term ones nor are motivated to, but usually will benefit from them.

Massive amounts of men are flooding the dating market that are hyperfixated on gaining access to women, but lack most skills, prosocial and dyadic (there's research on how men are more group/social display driven than women on average) behavior, etc., to maintain a positive relationship with an individual. So, they want in. And, if a misogynist, will start getting psychotically obsessed with demonizing women as much as possible for being too easy or too difficult. Anything related to the accessibility of women, who they see as objects judged by how other men see and access them.

The manosphere weaponizes as much as possible and then just grabs the most optimal shrug-offs to explain away women walking away from men. "Those she-witches are ignoring good men like us! They think too much of themselves!"

Reality? There's studies on how men are more likely to abuse
And how they're happier being with a partner more attractive than themselves and how they put in far more effort. Relative to women. Again, with any statistics, etc., these are just trends, not rules, but it exposes the hypocrisy involved. Yes. Plenty of women are picky. This doesn't change how
So, they are a hazard to date and it's be dumb for a woman to date them, but their ego begs them to ignore this fact or how dating is just riskier for women in general, so they paint rampant opportunism from themselves/other men as authentic romantic interest...some serious martyr shit. Yes. Women make bad dating decisions. But that's because most options are nonoptions so it's natural.

A lot of men are falling through the cracks because they're failing to maintain meaningful one-on-one relationships with other people and need to be incentivized with sex, blind unconditional support from other men that don't really care about them as individuals so they keep on encouraging male socialization that emotionally blunts men, and ego-strokes to associate with others--and they want to blame society and women over lacking essential social skills that other men have socialized them into lacking.
Yes, not all men, clearly, but a lot.

A lot of men have a massive vested interest in destroying any rational reason a woman might want to be alone or criticize about the modern dating space. Because, to them, the wrong isn't the traumatic or wasteful relationships many women are drained by, but that women ever say "no" to begin with.

/r/TwoXChromosomes Thread