"They Control Humans With Words." like.... Terrorism! Good video relevant to todays topics.

Stephan Molyneux is borderline crazy. His opinions have no value.

Right wing politics never works because it goes against the advancement of culture and science.

The historic inception of the right wing movement in a nutshell:

  • Originates from the supporters of the French monarchy prior to the French revolution.

  • Favors authoritarian views: Religion, law & order, the authority of the monarchy, the social hierarchy and financial hierarchy (rich people are more important than poor people).

  • Seeks the conservation of tradition and dogmas, even those who prevent the betterment of society: Traditional marriage, traditional families, women homemakers, well behaved children...

  • Defines success around making money and opposes anything that prevents working more: Pride of working two jobs, working more instead of spending time with own children, opposes drugs, alcohol consumption, opposes paid vacations, opposes mincome...

  • Opposes anything that can cause people to question dogmas and tradition: Immigration, science, Atheism, research, philosophy, political adversaries, the arts...

In a society that changes from one decade to the other, right wing ideas can only turn an advanced society into a technological and ideological backwater...

Every strongly right-wing society in the world right now is a virtual third world country. Look at those conservative African countries, all those Islamic republics... Japan was stuck in medieval times until the 1800's when it finally opened up to western culture...

Right wing politics is for people who don't want anything to ever change, who enjoy the peace of mind that being under the control of a strong leader brings and who hate helping other people.

since we cannot live in a vacuum and are dependent of the work of others, that's why right wing politics is at best a pipe dream...

EDIT: Yes, you right-wingers, unless you grow and hunt your own food, unless you weave your own fabrics, unless you mine and transform your own ore and unless you create your own chemicals, you are completely dependent on the work of others and could not survive without the goodness of heart of your neighbors...

But you are always welcome to lie to yourself.

/r/canada Thread Link - youtube.com