Controling Hatred and Anger

Hi Dark_LOtus

I can share you a story in hopes to help, but if not, it's just a story anyways, so I hope this was at least entertaining :3

I would like to focus on a few of the following words:

- "I still find it hard to control my anger and hatred to people who hold such abhorrent views"

- "How does one cultivate compassion for someone who elicits such feelings of utter contempt and disgust from the harmful, hatefulness and desire to harm others that they do?"

The thought of interest that will be discussed in the story are:

- "anger"

- "hatred to people who have abhorrent views"

- That there are things called "abhorrent views" had by others according to you.

- And if I have time, I may talk about why you can see "harmful, hatefulness" that "they" do.

- And if I still have space, I will talk about how to hold compassion towards 'these people'.

(note: sentences will be short. I will probably start writing "you (may think...)" rather than the longer "there are some individuals who (may think...)" or "Typically it is the case that humans (think...)" but I am not talking about you. What is spoken below is about humans in general, so please understand the 'direct' grammar is due to the medium (10,000 word limit), and has nothing to do with you.)

Although separated into 5 bulleted phenomena, they are all seamlessly a unified phenomenon.

- Anger: what is it?

Anger, is among the many emotions such as pain (spicy food, injury), pleasure (dopamine (sugar), serotonin (sex and friendship), fear (adrenaline) <I wrote chemicals, but the chemicals have nothing to do with anything>. These all have a single common reason we participate in them according to Buddhist analysis, that is, they make you feel like you exist. (I am going to use the word 'you' rather than 'ego' since I suspect you would be more familiar with the term 'you', but all future use of 'you' should be replaced by the term 'ego' if you know what an ego is. If not, just keep the term 'you' and what you think you are when I say "you" to you). Anger, however, has one other nefarious element unlike pain, pleasure, and fear, which is "justification". This key element makes it different from the other aforementioned three sensation. Anger is the only one that involves ethics, or correctness, or goodness. One does not feel one is correct in feeling pain, pleasure or fear; you simply ate a chili pepper, or orgasmed or encountered a bear; and that's it, it's just what you feel when you are in a certain state. Anger, not only does it arise when in a 'certain state' of being in the presence of someone who caused that anger, but it gives you a sensation of correctness, that you are right, and it is the only emotion that involves the sensation of superiority. Anger typically does not arise, even if something bad happens to you, unless you believe you are correct or know what is right, and what happened or what the other person says is not correct, or has done something wrong (to you or other or to, say, nature, even.) Anger even happens when someone proves you wrong (e.g., we see on the internet of beings categorized as "Karen". These are individuals, who have been caught saying/doing something wrong. However, in order to feel as if they are correct, by being angry at the ones who have proven them wrong (by presenting the message of "sure, I may have been factually wrong (if they admit this even) but they are still treating me wrong!" and by being angry they are able to feel as if they are superior)).

<...there's so much to write... although I separated the topic into 5 bullet points, the fact that all of the bullet points are related to each other makes it difficult to speak about one, without the other...>

I will end the intro about anger here and go on... Perhaps I will force myself to only write 5 sentences about each, first, and then go back and write more as needed...

- "hatred to people who have abhorrent views"

...actually, i'm going to restart this. I'll keep this comment anyways for 'fyi'.

/r/Buddhism Thread