Controller players honestly deserve more respect

That argument actually works against you because having the 'whole' table and hand etc leads to bigger margin of error

No it doesn't?? Your mouse is automatically at 0 in terms of input so not only do you have the ability for fine aim AND extreme flicks you also have 0 deadzone meaning any movement is true.

If a controller player wants 0 deadzone they have to deal with it. I play on 2% because anything more and it is hella hard to fight up close due to input delay, anything less and long range isn't viable because even if I line up the shot my aim will drift on it's own away..

Imagine your mouse and pad were linked. Your mouse always pulls itself towards the centre naturally other wise your aim moves in the direction it is. You'd not only need aim assist you'd realise how difficult it is to hit a shot when you not only have to aim but them centre while dealing with that momentary reset.

I wish I was mnk but I'd rather 500 on a console than 3 grand on a PC.

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