Controversial opinion "punk can't be racist" isn't the best approach

I agree but I think it's more than that.

"Working" on ourselves is only part of it and it's also about as far as woke middle class PMCs ever get at addressing racism because if they went further they might actually have to challenge a system that benefits them over the poor and working class. The system that affords them a life of luxury over the rest of us is the same system that gives birth to antagonisms like racism. There's a material basis for the existence of things like racism. It's not just something we can educate ourselves away from so long as the material basis for it's existence continues to exist. When capitalists horad the fruits of our labor for themselves and the rest of us are left picking scraps to survive, it's not hard to imagine why a rational person might see others as being in competition instead of in solidarity. It's only THROUGH the abolition of capital that we remove the material basis for those antagonisms and can overcome them. We need socialism and that's a universalist approach. Not one segmented into individual identity base struggles.

A lot of what makes up liberal woke identity politics that have abandoned the academy and become mainstream in recent years however only serves to postpone the development of the sort of class consciousness that could overcome capital. It encourages us to not see our similarities and how our interests as a class are the same and in direct conflict with the interests of the bourgeois class but instead creates division and encourages us to see ourselves through a lense of difference and our struggles as separate and attached to our individual identities.

The capitalist class, the mainstream media, even the democratic party are more than happy to encourage the sort of divisive politics of identity because it's a distraction and it's not a threat to them or their status. It's also why they used those same politics to paint Bernie Sanders as a misogynist and a racist or Jeremy Corbin in the UK as an anti semite without any evidence whatsoever.

If I'm hostile to the woketards it's because I see them ultimately as reactionaries larping as leftists while failing to understand anything Marx even wrote.

The wealthy, no matter their race, are not subject to the same abuses the rest of us are. Oprah and Obama don't need my solidarity. Woke liberalism is almost like suggesting responsible consumption as a solution to climate change. That is... It's not a solution at all when you consider the problem is industry.

I think we need to prioritize class again and begin to rebuild class consciousness in this country because that's where we'll find commonality. A class first marxist approach is the direct path to get to where we want to be so it's no wonder to me why all the yas-queen girl boss PMC future managers with college degrees who've become the spokespeople of the woke left try everything in their power to prevent that consciousness from developing.

/r/punk Thread