Cooling it on the trans and bi posts

As a bi girl. I'm not interested in transwomen. Which is why I came here, because honestly I feel like in other subs I'm "supposed to be" attracted to trans women because I like women! And I like dick! Therefore, combining the two (women WITH dick) must be fine for me. Except that it's not. When I'm attracted to a woman, I'm into all her parts, including her excellent woman parts. When I'm attracted to a guy, I'm into all of his parts, including his excellent guy parts. When I encounter someone who has both (example: female presenting but male genitals) my brain goes " This is not what I wanted. I want both as I want them, but I'm not interested in both at the same time.

I feel like this is where bi people get mixed up with pan people. I'm not pan. Often I see lesbians who are with trans women being told that they are bi. I'm always confused by it. I've known I was bi since I was 14 years old, but I've also almost always had a clear understanding of what I like. I like girls with vaginas (I mean, there is more to it than that, but vaginas are still critical to the women I like.) I like guys with penises. Again, more to it than that, but still. I don't like girls with penises. You can call it whatever you want, (including bigotry these days I guess) but girl penises don't do it for me. So, IMO don't call people who like trans people "bi." Pan is a good definition as far as I know. Use that.

Also, being bi doesn't mean that I'm some crazy wildcard like "now I need dick! Now I need vagina! Oops, dick again!" Monogamy vs polyamory is an actual distinction, and I'm monogamous by nature. So it's not like all bi people are going to cheat on you or that they simply can't (poor things!) bear to be monogamous. We can be monogamous if we are monogamous by nature, just like anyone else.

/r/truelesbians Thread