Cop demands to see ID of man filming in public, says he doesn't care what the supreme court says before being told otherwise by his sergeant.

This will be lost in the comments but I feel that I need to voice my opinion, even though it really doesn't matter.

10 years LE in various roles. Superiorly advanced in technology, both professionally and as a hobbyist (purposefully being vague here, for obvious reasons).

The officer is out of line, but has good intentions. The individual in question seems to be instigating. This interaction could have been handled better between both individuals. The video is obviously viral now, so that adds to the culture standard.

It's perfectly okay to exercise your rights. I'll be the first to support you against a cop. But when you start pushing buttons, on purpose, you're being a dick. Cop was uneducated and being a dick.

Cops just want to do their job and go home. They are not experts on law. Some have a power trip, sure. And I saw this to the individual AND cop, both of you acted inappropriately here.

God damnit, knock this shit off. Quit with the God damn pissing contests. For fucks sake. Challenge your rights, I will back you no matter what if you're in the right, but don't be an asshole about it.

/r/quityourbullshit Thread Link -