Cops Are Pure Shit

I did read your comment lmao it just doesn’t make any sense to me.

Well, that's because you've actually found someone with a nuanced view you can't categorize at the blink of an eye. We exist, we're pretty common, and we confuse most people, so they falsely identify us. It sucks.

Because you aren’t fighting, you aren’t speaking against police brutality.

Wait... Are you making a list here - "you aren't fighting AND you're also not speaking out" -, or are you drawing a logical connection - "you're not fighting, THEREFORE you're not speaking out")... or what?

I already have said I am speaking out against police brutality. I am doing it right now too. All you need to do to speak out against police brutality is to say "I speak out against police brutality". And I already am fighting against it, so stop lying.

As for fighting... fighting against what? Police brutality? How? For startest I am not American, so I couldn't do a lot for you guys even if I wanted to. Secondly, sure, if I see a cop abusing his power, and beating up an innocent, I might stop them... but what else do you expect that involved fighting? Do you expect me to start beating up cops for no reason, burning down buildings and breaking down statues? Is this what you mean by fighting police brutality? Or do you mean ideological fight? In that case I am here.

Just to be clear - I AM ready to fight for a good cause physically. But not as long as the fighting is point destruction. Suppose I was a US citizen - you could get me to peacefully protest for the reformation of law enforcement with weapons. I would gladly trail my gun at lawmakers, and demand change. What I am UNWILLING to do is to aimlessly destroy the world for my own amusement, and LARP as a revolutionary. You wanna do a revolution? So do I, but you either try to peacefully, or if you want an armed revolution, DO IT RIGHT. I am not willing to die for a misguided attempt at a revolution hijacked by political ideologues. Nah uh. Until BLM learns to either follow either the footsteps of Martin Luther King, or the footsteps of fucking Sun Tze, don't expect me to help you.

It be one thing if the slogan had any relevance before BLM but folks started using it the moment BLM became a thing.

Yeah, because it's a criticism of the fact that the BLM movement embraced identity politics entirely, and abandoned "classical" liberalism - you know, liberty, equality, and the brotherhood of people.
I wouldn't have rejected the BLM label if I didn't know that my opinion matters less because of my skin color in the movement. If I wasn't a "white ally". I don't want to be an ally, just like nobody likes to be Robin when they can be Batman.

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