Cops body cam footage showing the moments immediately after he killed a man

bro no. ive been in situations where ive almost been shot by the cops because of an idiot like this guy. cops tell you to put your hands up and you do, but then you glance over and see your friend reaching into his big hoodie pocket. the cops screaming at him to stop, and you watching knowing what was about to happen.

afterword he said he just wanted to “get his phone out to record.” like dude are you thinking about the situation you’re in. im the one being held up by gunpoint yet im capable of standing there thinking “the cop doesnt know what hes grabbing in his pocket. im about to get shot.” and if they shot him down in front of me i wouldnt have been surprised.

and especially running towards the gun and the body. how to get shot too. someone dies in front of you, put your big boy pants on and shut the fucking fuck up. how is the cop expected to handle being the shooter but the woman isnt expected to handle being the witness. they are both humans. all adults here.

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