Cops laughed at while having to return man's legal gun.

clicks profile,

one of top five is /r/gundeals

posts angry post about me taking meds when me remarking on somebody mentioning guns in a non positive light would ignite angry American gun enthusiasts.

The timezone + 24 hour clock is intentionally done for such a time that most people in the rest of the world wake up to see replies like yours from a US timezone that is visibly upset about people questioning guns in any manner as to provide context.

In effect, reinforcing the point I originally stated that Americans will swarm to any comment mentioning police rights / guns with an exceptionally America-centric mindset, and one that will see contrasting opinion oppose.

Ironically, I hope you realize what you did in your response.

Which part do you think I should take meds for perhaps?

As I more or less anticipated your arrival, or much rather intentionally made it obvious how daft your response would be for how absurdly expected it would be.

My prior post was about as attractive to brain dead gun nuts as a T_D poster in r/politics.

However, I may relent.

What "real knowledge" do you perceive I lack?

Especially given how I focused mainly on the mindset that Americans innately associate the concept of freedom to gun ownership.

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