Cops tried detain this man ahead of UP Bhawan. When asked why this lone man, who wasn't violating 144, was being detained, I was told "sawal mat karo". Told him it's literally my job to ask Questions. Thank God I had my press card. This is blatant religious profiling.

i literally have never read any sanghi talking points.

"cast based racism" is class based hierarchical oppression justified through the vedas. (in india) buddhism was the rejection of the vedas. the rejection of god. like in europe when the separation of state and church begun, a lot of people died for this. it was a social reform that took place. the word hinduism is an invader label. why would indians call their own land, the land of the hindus? hinduism is something new. the amalgamation of many cultures that stretch thousands of generations. i am not saying christianity is an invader religion. im saying the portuguese were invaders.

sikhism was (among many things) a social movement which predates sri guru nanakji. it was not called sikhism, sikhs did not have a name at that time. (i am only talking about the social reforms, i am not talking about the religious aspects). so its a part of the "hindu" culture, just like buddhism was due to gatuma buddha and his culture. some call that hindu culture "hinduism". to me personally its the wrong way to define things, but its our british legacy. it makes no sense to me to call sikhs invaders. that to me is absurd. just to be clear with you.

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