Corbella: Canada's health care system overrun by administrators and lacks doctors

Working in healthcare is pretty miserable experience too.

There are zero perks and more and more rules keep putting in place. It can be a pretty big no fun zone.

Also, no parking. If you want you can pay $1000 a year. Break rooms suck. They are mostly old patient rooms converted into a room. No TV for staff. People retire all the time and barely get any awknowledgAre very much just a number.

I personally think they health system needs a combination of higher pay, better perks and more staffing per patient.

Perks. .. Free parking. Better break rooms. Hosptials should have a recreational rooms (aka gyms).... Discount on cafeteria?

But it will NEVER happen. The money is better spent towards the patients. Thats why it's a pretty miserable work environment. There is nothing to look forward too. Any change that will happen will take decades.

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