CoreJJ has hit level 30 by playing twisted treeline against bots for 21 hours straight

You also have to compare one to others in the same profession. Not sure why some people feel the need to downplay JJ's work ethic.

People downplay the work ethic because some people work 21 hours straight making a quarter of the money and get zero recognition. Some guy plays a video game for 21 hours straight? And gets paid six figures? I've done that on accident before and didn't get a paycheck for it.

Tbh, it should be downplayed. This thread should never have been made in the first place. Everyone who upvotes this shit has their priorities in the wrong place.

You never see /r/NFL creating threads praising the work ethic of football players, because it's an inherent part of their job to work hard. Some random guy is making $200k playing a video game? Of course he's gonna work hard at it.

Stop sucking his dick.

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