Corona Virus Song (translation in comments)

Eat Cat Dog, Drink Bat Soup Snake Scorpion Lovers, Corona Virus Chinese They Feed the Wolf with Insects, They Don't Know What They Eat Grasshopper and Frog Love They, Corona Virus Chinese

Don't eat bat soup, bat soup! Don't eat what you don't know!

The Chinese Snatched the Plague, Allah gave trouble Muslims to Give You a Salaam, Corona Virus is Chinese Oh Korona, Korona; Don't Come Go To Them Chinese people who had corona virus (I said don't put a bat, boy, Is a bat put in the soup?)

Chinese Who Have Corona Virus

Oh Korona, Korona; Don't Come Go To Them I said don't put a bat in the soup, I said don't eat the bat in the soup

Chinese Who Have Corona Virus

Don't Eat Before You, Don't Know What They Eat Don't Eat Before You, Don't Eat Reptiles What Is There To Be Disease, Disease, Cancer, There Is Death, There is a virus, Chinese who became corona virus, Chinese people who have become a corona virus without bat soup;

Oh Korona, Korona; Don't Come Go To Them Do Not Put Wound into Soup, Do Not Put Wound into Soup The Chinese who became the corona virus… It was so bad, don't eat it! Eating!

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