Coronavirus homeschooling: 77 percent of parents agree teachers should be paid more after teaching own kids, study says

Most of the major American cities are dilapidated yet simultaneously overpriced, crime-ridden, dirty, nasty, smelly, old, have terrible infrastructure (if any) and not a single one ranks in the top 30 of most global livability indexes.

The 'one friend' was an example and I have plenty of those that I can produce. I can also list the perks and benefits of a unionized OECD country versus that of the US. It doesn't look pretty.

You totally missed the point of the next argument. Never said that nobody else has testing.

When you take out the IVY's, American colleges don't score that highly actually.

Your take on what it takes to be successful is laughably naive. I guess that happens when you're in your 20s and don't actually know as much as you assume you do.

"World Economic forum" isn't measuring quality of life or the standard of living. Of course the US is a great place to conduct 'business', however, that has zero correlation with one's quality of life. In terms of the infrastructure, the US probably has some of the worst roads in the developed world.

I don't need a study to know this, as I have driven in various major cities and can see it with my own eyes. American roads are terrible, old, poorly maintained, dirty, full of trash, never cleaned, poorly marked and light (if any) and in some serious disrepair.

Immigrants from various countries are certainly a different kettle of fish. Most of us from developed economies are culturally, ethically, morally, economically similar to Americans. We too come from diverse countries and are a net positive on the economy from day one of being here. We're also out and about and spending $$$ within the economy.

Whereas, I have worked with individuals from certain countries (no names) who for starters, claim to be smart, yet don't know shit. They're literally just cheap labor and many clearly scammed their way in, as even the recruiters are peddling their own ilk into jobs. They will bring their own lunch to work and not spend a cent out in the economy. Not to mention, tend to hang out with their own and make little or no effort to assimilate into the country they chose to migrate to. The only spending they do is when they go to Costco and buy a handful of ingredients, no extras of course, to make the exact same food they would consume back in that beautiful and progressive mother country. The standard of living of Americans has dropped, because they have to compete with these fuckers, who will also work for lower wages.

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