
If anything, they failed to teach an entire generation to do anything but blame someone else for their failures.

It’s no wonder the participation trophy generation gets pissed off when real life slaps them in the face.

Life sucks, it has always sucked, and it will continue to suck. The difference is that every generation works to make it suck less for the next.

You have unheard of computing power in your pocket. Last generation had calculators, the generation before used slide rules. Have some damn perspective.

Y’all are acting like your parents changed the laws that screwed up the housing crisis. Those are the nimwits in charge of Congress now, the 70+ year old generation of political leaders so corrupt they won’t leave u til they die in office.

They’re the ones you should attack. Your parents were trying to get by in a fucked economy, burdened by debt larger than their net worth.

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