Cosby admitted in 2005 to getting Quaaludes to give to women he sought sex with.

I don't mean this as an attack on you personally at all (genuinely), but I will never understand men who complain about not being able to post an alternative viewpoint in twoX or feminism without being attacked.

Well, I don't think I complain more about /r/feminism than women complain about the red pill. In fact, I don't think I've ever mentioned it before in any post ever. The reason I mentioned it was because it's an extreme example of the point I was trying to make.

And honestly, I don't think there's anything wrong with complaining about echo chambers on reddit or bad neighborhoods. Knowing the consequence of posting an opposing view in /r/feminism doesn't mean you can't think it's wrong. In very general terms, just because I know the consequence of action A can be consequence B, doesn't mean it's not perfectly reasonable to say that's wrong. I honestly do think it would be perfectly reasonable for you to complain about the red pill not respecting your point of view. Not because you should be surprised they don't, but because you probably have a respectable point of view (I'm guessing here). If it's causing someone distress in their lives, obviously they should stop. It's certainly not causing me distress. I can walk out the door and find a very different world, than I do on those type of subs.

if you're having an argumentative sort of day, then by all means post in TwoX, haha.

TwoX is in a very different position. It's a default sub with 3m subscribers vs 50k in /r/feminism. It's supposed to be the sub for talking about these issues in a rational manner (to the degree reddit can be rational). And it makes it a strange sub for these issues. In my experience, you certainly don't see an overly pro-feminist crowd there. So I'm not worried about downvotes or anything like that. What would be nice (but seemingly impossible) was to have serious discussions about issues like affirmative action or the recent post about some young american football player being punched by a girl and punching back (got deleted I think because the conversation of course was horrible). Not saying the general sub has to be reasonable, but there are so few reasonable voices there (on either side).

Again, it's not like it's a problem in my life at all. I'm was bothered in the moment and I called something out.

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