Cosmo Introduces His Penis Cam!

like rounded women's ass and broad hips.

Alas for trannies, men's ass are flat and ugly and instead of broad hips they have broad shoulders. That's why ALL trannies have actually ugly

That's bullshit, femaly body builder have larger shoulder than most males, a larger jaw than most males, because that's what testosterone does.

During pregnancy, female estrogen is increase by 10 times which drastically increase their hipsize and their breast.

Trans who take large amount of estrogen develop broad hips too, because that's what estrogen does to your bones.

A reminder that the jaw, cheek, shoulder and hips bones never stop growing.

Part of the reason why twinks and femboys who doesn't get rid of their testosterone, look so bad by their late 30s.

Also why, trans who transitioned past 30s looks so damn manly.

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