Cost of Silence II - Child Abuse in ISKCON International Schools.

I will just add some words of my experience about ISKCON organisation.I am a born Hindu and my upbringing is done around Hindu culture and its stories. Also there still very good things I have learnt growing up around it. Mainstream Hindu culture is great but things changed when my parents started practising ISKCON. Sadly my parents are now fully committed to ISKCON. Back when they started practising ISKCON there was a time(After 2 years in practice) when they overheard that the Guru(The spiritual leader who teaches them) was mocking them behind the scenes and his only intentions were to use my parents as a tool (Actually my house has a very big hall where ISKCON!programs with Guru as a speaker were held for people in my city) to propogate ISKCON. These programs continued for first 10-15 months and programs used to happen once every 20 days at my house. Back to the case after 2 years where my parents learnt how they were used as a tool they decided to abandon the ISKCON organisation. I felt a sense of relief for sometime until things went back in reverse order in an interesting way. My dad gets a call from the main Guru(of my state,can’t put the names, sorry). He sort of apologised to my dad and said that the Guru who carried out programs in my house had lost his Sadhna(which means faith in God) and convinced my dad that the Guru was wrong and the Guru is being sent back to temple restore his Sadhna. My parents rejoined the organisation after that phone call as he ended up convincing my parents that they were very important to this organisation and it’s future. Then my city was assigned with a new Guru. We are here now in 2019 and my parents have even got Diksha(sort of level up thing in spiritual practice) now. It’s hard to go back. I have stopped convincing them. I have been to 2 Kartik yatras of ISKCON held every year around month of Kartik in Diwali. One good thing about them is they serve free food to everyone in their temples, but as far the other aspects and the principles which they follow that I know seem to completely ignorant and unnecessary brainwashing. I blows my mind how people gets convinced so fast.

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