Couchpotato Plugin No longer turning on

Your file paths may differ depending on what you named your pool, what your jail root is, or what name your couchpotato jail currently has and what it name it ends up with when the plugin is reinstalled.

From shell on freenas server:

  1. Verify your data is actually in /var/db/couchpotato on current plugin install

    ll /mnt/tank1/jails/couchpotato_1/var/db/couchpotato    
    total 132
    drwxr-xr-x   7 816   816        8 Dec 20 19:40 ./
    drwxr-xr-x  11 root  wheel     13 Feb 10 14:42 ../
    drwxrwxrwx   4 816   816      150 Feb 10 14:48 cache/
    drwxr-xr-x   2 816   816        3 Dec 20 19:40 custom_plugins/
    drwxrwxrwx   3 816   816       43 Feb  6 16:05 database/
    drwxrwxrwx   2 816   816        8 Feb 11 10:46 db_backup/
    drwxrwxrwx   2 816   816       14 Feb 10 09:50 logs/
    -rw-rw-rw-   1 816   816    11452 Feb 11 10:46 settings.conf
  2. Backup the couchpotato data

    cp -R /mnt/tank1/jails/couchpotato_1/var/db/couchpotato /mnt/tank1/cpdata

From the Freenas webgui:

  1. Remove and reinstall the Couchpotato plugin
  2. Turn on the service on the installed plugins page

From shell on freenas server:

  1. Stop the couchpotato service

    jexec couchpotato_1 service couchpotato stop
  2. Remove any data from the new install

    rm -fr /mnt/tank1/couchpotato_1/var/db/couchpotato
  3. Recreate the directory

    mkdir -p /mnt/tank1/couchpotato_1/var/db/couchpotato
  4. Copy the data you backed up eariler to the new install

    cp -R /mnt/tank1/cpdata /mnt/tank1/jails/couchpotato_1/var/db/couchpotato
  5. Ensure the data is owned by the user that runs couchpotato

    chown -r 816:816 /mnt/tank1/jails/couchpotato_1/var/db/couchpotato
  6. Start the couchpotato service

    jexec couchpotato_1 service couchpotato start
  7. Verify couchpotato works at its webpage and if so remove the data you backed up

    rm -fr /mnt/tank1/cpdata
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