Could I be in an abusive relationship without realizing it?

I’m just confused. I’ve read a lot on abusive relationships and a lot of it is stuff he says he feels like. Like how I always turn arguments my way, I think I’m always right, I think his problems are silly. All are true in a way, but this is only when he is questioning me about things or getting angry over trivial things like me not spending enough time with him because I am busy (I’m in college, work, and volunteer). Is there a way to do these things and it be okay? I do deny his problems a lot, I’ll admit it. It’s just because he is so jealous over every little thing and blows up small situations. Does this make it so that I am not actually ignoring how he feels? Is that the line? I genuinely don’t know anymore I feel so brainwashed. My views on relationships were so different before we got together.

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