could this be bpd and fixable

It looks like you messed up by lying and now you are dealing with the consequences of that. A relationship HAS to be built on trust, otherwise it's completely meaningless. Please learn from this experience OP! Always tell the truth to your partner, regardless of how hard it is.

There's always a chance that you can sort things out in the future, he obviously still cares about you - but right now you are broken up and you need to start focusing on yourself. It's unhealthy for you to place all your attention on trying to get back together or waiting for that to happen. You need to accept that this is what is happening and look forward in life, not backwards. Its going to cause you even more trauma and pain if you spend this time waiting for this person then they don't ever want to get back with you. Going no contact for at least 6 months would be the best thing you could do right now for your healing process. This doesn't need to be any more painful than it already needs to be.

/r/BPD Thread