Could Cell go Super Saiyan?

Your comment isn't appearing but I can read it if I go on your profile. Anyway as I just stated it was frame of reference. So no it doesn't matter what number I said because it was clearly not true to begin with just a measuring stick. So I'm sorry I used numbers to measure something that doesn't have a value but to get my point across and how big of a difference the transformation makes it felt suitable.

I clearly did back it up as it would not make any sense for Cell to be that powerful. You're saying this like my entire point was invalid. The numbers, irrelevant. The point, completely justified.

Do I have to say they are official or not, when clearly there hasn't been anything official put out on these characters power levels? Just because I didn't say doesn't mean that you can assume I find those numbers canon. I found them online just to use and times them by the multiplier instead of saying "Cell's power would be ???? x50 = ???????? yeah I've proved you wrong now you know Cell's much too powerful to have gone through any Super Saiyan transformations post Perfect form.

Also you just said yourself at minimum 7.5 billion, so now you're just throwing imaginary numbers out there just like I did because it's a frame of reference. I mean your argument is that I can't use numbers because there's nothing out there officially. Yet you just did it even as an estimate, that's hypocritical. You should say "an unknown power level" if you're gonna stick to your guns.

But I'm glad you agree on the real main point that there's no possible way Cell was in a Super Saiyan form.

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