It could end very bad if no one was home

Capable of feeling love? Yeah, they don’t process oxytocin the same way everyone else does.

Favoring individuals and wanting to protect them though? Possible. James Fallon, a neuroscientist / psychopath has known his wife since they were teens and have been married for over 40 some odd years. He’s outgoing for them and would never cheat on them, but when it comes to caring on an emotional level, that isn’t there. If they were to get run over the next day, in his own words, he wouldn’t care. He wouldn’t feel any pain over that. The way he sees and feels it, it’s just something that’s happened and he can’t do anything about it now. He couldn’t stop it when it was happening and he can’t bring them back from the grave now.

Most sociopaths / psychopaths aren’t anything good, but he’s a good example of a pretty darn good one.

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