Could someone educate me on the caste system in India?

I am an upper cast young rich girl.

I don't oppose reservations because I feel it's unfair but because I think it's ineffective. Poor lower cast people are the ones who need reservations but instead all seats go to rich lower cast people.

This pisses of upper casts and it doesn't help lower xasts either.

Above everything. Economic balance of power is most important. People respect money over everything else in this capitalist world.

By, making people rich, we can give them means to fight off social discrimination as well. You are less likely to be rude to someone who is successful.

That's why, I say. Casteism will no go away until lower casts are put on same footing as me. That's what financial stuff should be looked at.

This way, a poor Brahmin gets a seat but I don't because I am a Brahmin sure. But also rich.

This way, poor people get empowered. This is the right way. If we don't fix the reservation system. Anger against it will keep rising and discrimination against poor lower cast people will keep increasing.

/r/india Thread Parent