Could a straight guy and girl remain best friends if one has feelings while the other doesn't? Or is it just destined to fall apart and going to lead to hurt?

To help find friends—do activities that you enjoy and the rest will fall into place. Even if it takes a while, you are not wasting time since it’s something you enjoy doing anyway :)

And don’t worry about not having a lot of friends. Throughout my life there were times I had lots of friends, times I had no friends and times I had few. None of these ways are wrong or means anything is wrong with you, it’s just different life stages we go through and experience.

Also to help work on yourself, especially what I’ve heard for men: gym. Workout and weight lifting. Not only does exercise make you feel better, gaining muscle makes guys look very appealing. If for some reason you don’t like your face try experimenting with a beard. Hope this helps!

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